7 types of Car Insurance covers accessible

Everyone values life. It is a precious asset for you, and you need to take measures to safeguard it. You always choose a healthy diet, exercise, and keep yourself fit. Nobody likes becoming a road accident victim, paying for hospital charges, and facing other legal liabilities. Hence, protecting your prized possessions, like cars, requires deep research and money.

You ensure the vehicle meets the family desires while buying it from the dealer’s showroom. Drive safely on Indian roads to avoid damage to the vehicle and other expenses. Since accidents are on the rise, protect your four-wheeler with Car Insurance. It protects against theft and total and partial damage.

Coverage Types

When you opt for Car Insurance renewal, you come across add-on covers to protect your vehicle. Though you pay an additional cost, they are worth it as they save you from numerous hassles after a road mishap, including financial issues and repair prices. Medical facilities are also expensive, draining out your savings. The following are the add-on covers:

Comprehensive Coverage

It provides extended coverage to your car during unfortunate events like rough weather, floods, fire, and theft. During Auto Insurance renewal, you choose this cover for passengers, drivers, third-party vehicles, and people inside it. With preinstalled antitheft devices, there are lesser chances of robbery, therefore reducing the premium.

Personal Injury Coverage

It covers the medical bills of the driver’s and passengers’ get covered by the company. The coverage does not rely on the accident caused by the driver or the third-party. Therefore, include the personal injury coverage at the time of online Car Insurance renewal.

Uninsured Motorist Protection

Unfortunate incidents like accidents with an uninsured vehicle need you to bear your savings’ repair charges. The other party’s insurance coverage is insufficient to reimburse you for the damages sustained by your vehicle. In such a situation, the uninsured motorist protection comes to the rescue. You include it as a rider during Four-Wheeler Insurance renewal for unforeseen incidents, and the company pays the shortfall amount.

Roadside Assistance

If your four-wheeler breaks down or gets damaged during a road trip, opt for this cover during Car Insurance renewal online. The insurer assists in moving it to the nearest service centre for repairs.

Liability Coverage

You must take this cover under the Motor Vehicles Act. It includes the repair and the replacement costs of a damaged part. It comes to your rescue when you get involved in an accident. It also covers third-party death, injury, and property damage. It is essential to select this cover during Car Insurance online renewal.

Collision Coverage

By adding this rider during Car Policy renewal, the insurer handles the repair charges after a collision. They decide the cover value based on the age of the car. If the repair cost is higher than the market value, the company reimburses the market value of the vehicle.

Zero Depreciation

It means your vehicle is devoid of general depreciation during claims. All insurers account for it. Therefore, pay the claim after subtracting the depreciation amount. Adding such a rider during Car Insurance Policy renewal, there is no depreciation deduction, and you get more money during claims.

Keywords: Car Insurance, Car Insurance renewal, online Car Insurance renewal, Car Insurance renewal online, Car Insurance online renewal, Car Policy renewal, Car Insurance Policy renewal

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